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We're a small press publishing titles by new and experienced authors.


We utilize a variety of publishing methods, including Smashwords and Amazon. This means that our titles are availabe through Apple iTunes and iBookstore, Kobo, B&N Nook, Amazon Kindle, FeedARead, Page Foundry, Baker & Taylor Blio, Baker-Taylor Axis 360, and Library Direct.


We also publish select, converted-to-original-story fan fiction novels, because an engaging story can come from anywhere.


Coming Soon:


Qut Gamers Book 2: Class of Pawns by Bryn Landers - Follow a group of teens through a high school of secrets. YA


Untitled - an abducted girl finds herself swapped from one pirate ship deck to another. Adventure


Stray Moon: Oasis by R.M. Stiles - the space race will never be the same or with higher stakes. Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Untitled - a young woman behind the silk veil. Alternate History


Kilter - an imbalance in the life-to-death ratio threatens one girl's life. Supernatural/Fantasy

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